Family-Friendly Safari Adventures: Top Tips for Creating Lasting Memories in the Heart of Kenya’s Wilderness


Safaris in Kenya are great for taking children out on an adventure and showing them natural wonders. The country is also quite safe for travelling with children and there are many activities that will keep even the most distractible toddler engaged. If you are interested, check out these tips regarding best practices when planning a trip:

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Choose What Type of Activities to Include in Your Itinerary 

Safaris in Kenya are not limited to driving around a savannah to see lions and elephants. There are many activities you can try, including guided walks with rangers, meet-and-greet events with native tribes, and camping outings. Parents should decide in advance which types of activities are suited for their children depending on age and interests.

Educate Your Children

Telling small children what they can expect on their trip to Kenya is a great way to prepare them for the adventure ahead. For example, toddlers may benefit from looking at pictures of animals before they actually see them. If you are participating in other activities, instructing your children on what to do may help ease anxiety for some.

Find a Tour Operator that Offers Family-Friendly Packages 

Just like with any trip, not everything in Kenya will be suited for exploring with children. A tour operator that caters to families will have the safest and most reliable options for activities and accommodations. Experienced operators, like SkySafari, offer many options to make the trip-planning process hassle-free for parents.

Book Child-Friendly Accommodations

The best safaris in Kenya include excellent accommodations but parents will benefit the most from child-friendly options. For example, family-friendly hotels and camps will have special meals prepared especially to keep picky eaters happy. Some even offer tailored programmes for children that will keep them busy when parents want to relax.