The Maldives, the magical island located in the heart of the Indian Ocean consists of around 1200 little islands. Each island is unique in its own way but the pristine white sandy beaches, the gently swaying palm trees, the turquoise waters and the warm hospitality is common to all.
The beauty and excitement of the Maldives is multiplied by its fascinating wildlife. Maldives Wildlife is not restricted to its marine species, but the flora and fauna of its islands are truly remarkable. This tropical Island is home to approximately 170 different types of colourful birds. Since the islands of the Maldives are relatively small in size and the majority of the land is occupied by resorts, reptiles are hard to find. The Maldives is dotted with amazing resorts that are built in harmony with Mother Nature. For instance, the Cocoa Island by COMO is a wonderful eco-friendly accommodation option for those who want to enjoy a holiday close to nature and wildlife.
There are only a handful of land mammals in the Maldives. The endemic flying fox and a unique type of shrew exist in the Maldive Islands. The Koel, white breasted water hen and the crow are three of the most common bird types in the Maldives. The stunning fairy tern can be spotted at the Addu atoll in the southern region of the country.
The Indian Ocean surrounding the Maldive Islands is blessed with abundant marine life. Close to 18 types of different whales and dolphins are found in the surrounding waters. The Bottlenose Dolphin, Spinner Dolphin, Risso’s Dolphin, Spotted Dolphin and Striped Dolphin are some of the Dolphin types found swimming close to the islands. The Dwarf sperm whale, Blue whale, Bryde’s whale and Beaked whale are also commonly visible. The 15meter long Whale Shark is one of the key wildlife attractions of the Maldives.
Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+