If you are an adventurer travelling to the Maldives all ready and set to explore what lies beneath these waters, a brief guide might just help you out! Here are a few things to know before your snorkelling trip to the Maldives.

When to Snorkel in the Maldives
The best thing about snorkelling or scuba diving in Maldives is that the weather is wonderful all year long. However, there are a few months where the water is clearer than it is the rest of the year. January through April is the best time for your underwater adventure.
Best Snorkelling Environments
Most resorts in Maldives, the likes of Reethi Faru Resort have great snorkelling opportunities. This is either because of the house reef located close to the island or the lagoon and house reef within the accessible range surrounding the island.
What to Expect
There is just so much to see when it comes to the underwater kingdom. Colourful corals, black-tipped reef sharks, morays and different kinds of turtles too. So, be prepared to uncover a true treasure of nature.
Other tips for snorkelling in the Maldives
Always be vigilant about the weather and make sure it’s a clear sunny day before your set out to the water. Bringing your own gear would be best, however, some resorts also provide snorkel equipment on rent. Yet another important thing to keep in mind would be to use plenty of sunscreen and make sure that your product is eco-friendly.