Ocean Drive -The celebrity Art Deco thoroughfare

The Ocean Drive is located about ten minutes from COMO Metropolitan Miami Beach. It is an iconic drive that is an ideal place to appreciate the history and architecture of Miami, as well as the glorious beaches represented by South Beach. A Miami hotel located on this stretch of the beach would, therefore, have the architectural attractions on one side, while the golden beaches would beckon from the other.

The architecture of the Drive dates back to early 1900s, where pastel was a big hit. You have the Beacon by Henry O. Nelson built in 1926, Waldorf Towers by Alber Anis built in 1937, the Colony Hotel and the Cardozo by Henry Hohauser (former built in 1936 and the latter in 1939), the Breakwater by Anton Skislewicz built in 1939, and the Cavalier by Roy F. France built in 1936. All these buildings are examples of Art Deco style, which is what the Ocean Drive is famous for. This is also known as the heart of Art Deco district and has made cameos in many films and TV shows including Dexter. There is also a popular culture of cabaret dance and singing in the district, with several bars being dedicated to the LGBTQIA community.

The best way to explore the Ocean Drive is to take a drive through the street, or a slow cruise through the blue waters. This is best done during the day as well as the night, as the sights during each time period is completely different from each other. Cycling down the Ocean Drive early in the morning or in the afternoon will have you mesmerised by the calling of the sea from one side while the other side will have a gorgeous tapestry of sunlight playing artist with the Drive’s architecture. In the night, it has more of an 80s movie feel to it, with neon lights lighting the way and the ocean’s invisible presence felt only through its chant.

Roland Lefevre is a travel writer who specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe.
