The Art of Solo Travel: Making Friends & Meeting New People 

Free from the obligations of pleasing an entire group and catering to everyone’s interests, solo travel offers unparalleled freedom and self-discovery, but it does not mean being alone. For many, the prospect of navigating new environments alone can be daunting. Embrace the opportunity to meet new people and create lifelong memories, with essential tips for connecting with fellow travellers and locals.

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Hostels and Dorms

Your accommodation can be the perfect gateway to finding your crowd away from home. Backpacker hostels and dorms create the ideal environment for meeting like-minded souls, with shared spaces that foster interactions, and organised events that facilitate connections.

Small Tour Groups

Join guided tours to interact with fellow travellers; shared experiences create bonds, and you might find travel companions for further adventures. International tour packages and groups may also be a safer option as opposed to pure solo adventuring – explore the canals of Venice with Mackinnons Travels, or share the breathtaking views of Victoria Falls with your new solo travel buddies.


Volunteer-based and community tourism presents a unique opportunity to support rural communities and immerse yourself in local culture, while meeting people with similar interests. Community tourism sites and stops on certain tours allow for a cultural exchange and enriching experience, while promoting financially beneficial partnerships that uplift communities.

Chatting with Locals

Another taste of local culture wherever you are, engage with residents at markets, shops, and cafes. Strike up conversations, learn about their culture, and discover hidden gems while curating meaningful memories and possibly lasting relationships.

Leverage Technology

Today, solo travel has never been easier. With the popularisation of travel-based social platforms, tourists are given the opportunity to forge connections long before arriving at their destination. Utilise verified platforms like Meetup, Couchsurfing, and Nearify to connect with fellow travellers and locals, and participate in group activities or events to expand your social circle.