An experience you are bound to cherish for a lifetime, the sight of humpback whales swimming wild and free in the ocean is not to be missed on a visit to Mozambique in Africa.
Key Destinations
The Quirimbas and Bazaruto archipelagos are amongst the best places to visit in Mozambique for those looking to enjoy this activity. You will find accommodation at islands here and some properties including those belonging to brands such as Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas even offer whale watching excursions which add to the convenience factor.

Best Time to Go
When it comes to whale watching in Mozambique, the best time to plan your holiday would between July / August and October. It is during these months that humpback whales make their way to warmer tropical waters from the Arctic.
What to Spot
Depending on the day and some luck, it is not unheard of to spot up to 30 whales! These marine mammals which can grow to lengths of around 60 feet, migrate to these waters to mate and subsequently give birth to young; one may spot them arching over the water, expelling air via their blowholes or leisurely swimming in protected waters.
Other Species
It is not just whales one can observe when here, but bottlenose dolphins, endangered dugongs and from April to July, whale sharks too. The waters are ideal for snorkelling and diving to spot diverse marine species including giant manta rays, while from October to April you can witness turtles visiting the islands to nest as well.